# "Focal Shift" Walkthrough Your character's mission has four primary goals: * Get inside Peridot Fintech. * Access Peridot's data center. * Hack the strategy server. * Get out of the building. ## General Hints Enter `help` for basic instructions. Two important commands to know are `identify` (`id`) and `hack`. Identifying people tells you information about them. Identifying things will let you know if it's networked. If you identify a device that has a node address, you can hack it. ## Hacking Minigames There are two types of hacking minigames: the word puzzle and the token puzzle. You get either 8 or 24 turns to complete a minigame, depending on whether you've upgraded your implant. ### The Word Puzzle In the first type of hacking minigame, you need to guess a six-letter word. Every time you make a guess, your overlay will display letters you guessed correctly, a `-` if the correct letter is lower, or a `+` if the correct letter is higher. Example gameplay: Password: ****** > mmmmmm Password: --+--+ > eesees Password: --s+e+ > basket Password: +asket > casket LOGIN SUCCEEDED ### The Token Puzzle In token puzzles, you enter a 9-square grid in virtual reality. You're carrying 5 tokens. Each tile has a slot with a corresponding number. You need to put the tokens into the correct slots to match a 5-digit nonce. Example gameplay: CONNECTION REQUIRES CRYPTOGRAPHIC HANDSHAKE. GRIDSPACE INITIALIZED... Your overlay replaces your view of meatspace with a virtual reality environment. Your avatar floats down from a black sky and settles on a floor like illuminated glass. Tile A1 A slot labeled #4 is at the center of the tile. There are exits east and south. NONCE: 15482 CRACK: ***** > put token 3 in slot You put Token 3 in Slot #4. NONCE: 15482 CRACK: **4** > e You go east. Tile B1 A slot labeled #8 is at the center of the tile. There are exits south and west. NONCE: 15482 CRACK: **4** > put token 4 in slot You put Token 4 in Slot #8. NONCE: 15482 CRACK: **48* (snip transcript of walking around grid and inserting tokens) Tile B3 A slot labeled #2 is at the center of the tile. There are exits north, east, and west. NONCE: 15482 CRACK: 1548* > put token 5 in slot You put Token 5 in Slot #2. CRYPTOGRAPHIC HANDSHAKE COMPLETE. ## Upgrading Your Implant You'll need to upgrade your implant to increase the number of turns available in hacking minigames. Without it, word puzzles are much more difficult and token puzzles are practically impossible. (From the lobby:) > n > 2 > e (Inside Boards Brains and Beyond:) > talk tech > 2 > 1 ## Getting the Key Fob The elevator requires a key fob for access to the third floor. The jacked-in employee in the privacy pod has one. (From the lobby:) > s > id drone > hack it (Finish the word puzzle) > 2 > x workstation > take fob ## First Visit to Peridot/Getting the Benefit Card The first time you try to enter Peridot's data center, the network traffic gives you severe headaches. You'll need to get treatment from the clinic before you can continue. Along the way, you'll also run into your client's sketchy inside man and find the body of the employee he killed. The first step in getting treatment is getting a benefit card. (From the lobby:) > n > 3 > x janitor > id janitor > e > x desk > x body > n > w > n > 2 > s > talk mohr (Select dialogue options about treatment until she gives you a benefit card) ## Activating the Benefit Card/Getting Treatment You need to activate the benefit card in Public Services. Unfortunately, the bureaucrat is less than helpful. Trick him into leaving the office so you can hack his deck and activate the card yourself. Then Dr. Mohr can give you treatment for the network headaches. (From the lobby:) > e > talk bureaucrat > 2 > 3 > id bureaucrat > w > d > x cars > id panther > hack it (Finish the word puzzle) > 1 > u > e > id deck > hack it (Finish the word puzzle) > w > n > 2 > s > talk mohr (Select the dialogue option about treatment) > get in pod ## Hacking Peridot After you get treatment from the clinic, you can go back to Peridot's data center and hack the strategy server. This is the first token puzzle. ## Hacking the Owl If you didn't hack the conference owl before you hacked the strategy server, you'll need to do it before you can leave Peridot. (From the Peridot office:) > s > id owl > hack it (Finish the word puzzle) ## Leaving the Building (Everything Goes Wrong) With the strategy server and the conference owl hacked, you should finally be ready to leave the building. Unfortunately, there's a snafu in the client's plan. Her solution is to double-cross you, leaving you blind and trapped on the second floor while she tries to hack your implant through the chip. (From the Peridot office:) > w > n > 2 > s > talk client > s > x overlay > hack chip ## Hacking the Chip The final challenge is hacking the chip to stop the client from compromising your implant and frying your brain. This is another token puzzle, but this time there's a sentry on the grid. You need to put the tokens in the correct slots while evading capture by the sentry. * The sentry moves once every three turns. * You can hear the sentry, but you can't see it. You know when it moves, but you can only sense its distance from you, not its exact location. * It moves in random directions, but it never backtracks. For example, if its last move was north, its next move will not be south. * The distances that indicate how many moves away the sentry is, in order from closest to farthest, are `close by`, `not very far`, `far away`, and `a long way off`.